How being  a girl mom changed my life for the better

I will not sugarcoat it—being a girl mom is HARD. The emotions, the drama, the frequent high-pitched squealing—it can all be exhausting.

 But I'm here, a proud mother to 4 daughters, to tell you how being a girl mom has changed my life for the better.

Being a girl mom, you will wear many hats - a role model, a friend and confidante, and a trusted advisor.

But I've learned so much being a girl mom as well.  I've learned to be more patient and the importance of embracing my individuality as a woman.

I have learned how to be more in tune and accountable for my emotions. And thanks to my love for my daughters, I now feel a deeper sense of social responsibility to empower and support females everywhere.

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Learn more about the incredible blessings of being a girl mom.