75 Quick & Easy 5-Minute Self-Care Ideas

I don’t know about you, but lately it seems like everyone I know is just too busy. So, of course, asking you to find time to incorporate self-care into your day feels like an impossible task. But, let me ask — can you spare 5 minutes?  

The truth is, it’s during these busy times that self-care becomes even more crucial. And here’s the good news: you only need a few minutes to recharge, reset, and incorporate more joy into your day. 

Whether you’re looking to nourish your body, calm your mind, or soothe your soul, let’s discuss some quick ideas designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. From quick walks to deep breathing exercises, these 5-minute self-care ideas have got you covered. So go ahead, prioritize yourself — even if it’s just for a few minutes! 

Woman reading in bed

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You’re never too busy for self-care

When life gets busy, ‘taking care of yourself’ is usually the first thing to drop off our to-do list. But — let’s be honest — a busy life without joy or fulfillment will get pretty miserable pretty fast. 

Studies indicate that just by incorporating more pleasure and purpose in your life, your overall happiness will see a positive boost — which is why so many people are constantly looking for new ways to find joy in their everyday routines. The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, which highlights the importance of effective psychological interventions to enhance your joy in life, outlines three main happiness-boosting avenues: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. By incorporating short episodes of pleasure, engagement, and meaning into your day consistently, you can achieve significant and lasting improvements in your overall happiness and well-being. 

Small doses have the biggest impact

For anyone feeling too busy and overwhelmed to take a vacation or plan a spa day, it’s important to remember that small doses of self-care throughout your day may have the biggest impact on your overall happiness and satisfaction in life.  Even just 5 minutes of self-care can help increase your energy, productivity, creativity, and ability to handle those everyday challenges.

Barbara Randall of Rutgers University advises incorporating brief self-care practices into daily routines, such as taking short outdoor walks, visiting local markets, or setting aside quiet time at night instead of screen time. By making self-care a regular part of daily life, individuals can enhance their well-being and better prepare themselves to navigate the demands of everyday life.

Self-care includes any activity that prioritizes your health or enhances your overall well-being; it’s effectively the “oxygen” for leading a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. It’s also extremely personal — what you consider self-care may not be the same as how your best friend or partner defines self-care.  The key is finding activities that suit your needs and ultimately bring you peace and happiness! 

Think you can’t spare 5 minutes?

It might be time to repair your relationship with time and reset your priorities.

Woman writing in journal on bed

75 Ideas for 5 minute self-care

Since self-care isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, it’s so important to find what works for you. From physical activity to meditation to singing your heart out in the shower, there’s a type of self-care for everyone. 

Here are 75 self-care ideas you can do in just 5 minutes — so you can find the best way to incorporate those oh-so-important small doses of self-care in your day.

1) Start your day with a positive affirmation.

2) Enjoy an iced coffee from your favorite coffee shop.

3) Take a break, pausing for a moment to breathe deeply and relax.

4) Listen to your favorite song. (Bonus points for singing it aloud!)

5) Scribble or write a gratitude list in a journal. (Love this DFY option)

6) Take a walk outside to bask in the sunshine.

Woman reading in chair wrapped in blanket

7) Read a chapter of a book. (Try one of these great reads!)

8) Find a new recipe to try for dinner.

9) Call a loved one and ask them about their day.

10) Do a quick body scan. 

11) Try a hot yoga or pilates class – bonus if you remember those yoga poses!

12) Break out those adorable shoes you never wear in the back of your closet.

13) Take a photo of something beautiful and send it to a friend.

14) Try out a new hairstyle.

15) Try a new makeup look from that TikTok account you’ve been watching.

16) Take some deep breaths. 

Tray of Croissants and coffee

17) Buy a small treat for yourself, just because! (A chocolate croissant, maybe?)

18) Listen to a new podcast.

19) Go to Target without a shopping list (but maybe a reasonable budget!).

20) Turn up the volume and dance to a song you love.

21) Take a nap.

22) Plant a vegetable garden, big or small.

23) Learn how to bake sourdough bread.

24) Meet your neighbor (plate of cookies optional).

25) Make a homemade face mask.

26) Watch a TED talk on a topic that interests or inspires you.

27) Learn something new about the city you live in.

28) Buy a new house plant.

Woman writing in journal, wearing a sleep mask

29) Write a letter to a friend.

30) Watch a documentary on something that sparks your interest.

31) Organize that catch-all closet you’ve been avoiding and pick up some new organization baskets.

32) Pick up some fresh fruit from the grocery store.

33) Get your hair cut.

34) Watch a foreign film. (Check out this classic.)

35) Go thrifting for fun decor pieces for your home.

36) Snuggle up with your pet for an hour.

37) Try a new flavor of ice cream from the local ice cream shop.

38) Relax in a hammock in your backyard.

39) Watch a sunrise or a sunset.

40) Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am proud of you.”

41) Drink water (Like, chug it!)

42) Take a long bath or shower.

43) Light your favorite scented candle.

Wooded path with purple flowers

44) Get lost in nature for a few hours (not really lost, just figuratively).

45) Organize a small area of your home.

46) Try painting a scenic picture. (You can cheat if you want!)

47) Practice gratitude by listing things you’re thankful for.

48) Give yourself permission to rest and recharge.

49) Go shopping and buy a new pair of shoes.

Flowers at an outdoor market

50) Buy yourself flowers from the grocery store. (Thanks for that idea, Miley!)

51) Give yourself a hand massage to relieve the tension.

52) Step outside for a few minutes of fresh air and sunshine.

53) Adjust your posture and sit up straight.

54) Buy a new lip balm or chapstick to try out. (Love this one!)

55) Take the long way home and listen to your favorite song a few more times. 

56) Splurge on the good hand soap while you’re shopping. 

57) Clean up the photo albums on your phone.

58) Stop to smell the flowers (literally) while you’re taking a walk outside. 

59) Try a new drink from the convenience store. 

60) Update the photos around your house. 

61) Download a new game app on your phone (Have you tried Bloons, yet?!).

62) Start rewatching your favorite show for the 17th time. 

63) Change up your toenail polish. (This brand is the best.)

64) Send a quick check-in message to someone you care about.

65) Pick up a candy bar at the checkout line at the grocery store. 

66) Dim the lights and relax on your couch for 5 minutes. 

67) Scroll TikTok for funny animal videos. 

68) Wrap up in a cozy blanket

69) Update your calendar or planner.

70) Ask for extra caramel on that iced caramel macchiato at Starbucks. 

Woman using jade roller on her face

71) Ice roll your face. (Honestly, you should do this daily!)

72) Write down three things you’re grateful for.

73) Buy a coloring book and crayons and take time to color. (Nope, it’s not just for the kiddos!)

74) Tell someone why you appreciate them.

75) Do absolutely nothing for 5 minutes … except breathe

Books lying on a bed

Small Acts of Self-Care Add Up

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller (My favorite quote ever — and also a great movie!)

When I find myself overwhelmed or feeling generally drained, that’s when I know it’s time for a little self-care break. My go-to tactic is to play fetch with my dogs outside (which always ends in laughter!) or lie down for a few minutes to calm down. Do these small self-care doses make all my stresses go away? Of course not! But they do bring me joy and peace and help get my day back on a positive track which is well worth five minutes of my time.

Incorporating 5-minute self-care practices into your daily routine can significantly enhance your well-being, reduce stress, and increase happiness. By making these small acts of self-care a priority, you are investing in yourself (and your loved ones!) so you can handle life’s demands and enjoy more meaning in your day.

Remember, even when life moves pretty fast, making five minutes for yourself here and there will add up to a happier, more fulfilling existence. So take the time to stop, look around, and enjoy yourself so you don’t miss out on your life. It’s up to you — and it’s totally worth it!

Everyone can make five minutes for themselves today, so what self-care idea are you going to try first? Let us know in the comments!

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