Author: Tara

Celebrate Yourself Every Day for More Happiness and Motivation in Life

Celebrate Yourself Every Day for More Happiness and Motivation in Life

In a world where achievement is often measured by grand milestones and accomplishments, it’s easy to overlook the significance of celebrating the small victories that create progress. But what if you shifted your perspective and instead celebrated yourself and your progress every day?  The truth is, you make progress and…

The Back to School Checklist: Beat the Chaos this Year!

The Back to School Checklist: Beat the Chaos this Year!

Are you ready to start the new school year? Have you started checking things off that never-ending back to school checklist yet? Whether you responded with a begrudging groan or a victorious “heck yeah!”, the day is soon approaching when you must send those kiddos back to class and resume…

The Importance of Accountability in Relationships

The Importance of Accountability in Relationships

When we think about the pillars of a healthy relationship, terms like trust, communication, and love often top the list. However, there’s another cornerstone that’s equally, if not more, important: accountability in relationships.  In my own journey through the ups and downs of love, I’ve learned that accountability is a…