Author: Tara

Career advice for modern women: the harsh truths and redefining success

Career advice for modern women: the harsh truths and redefining success

Let’s face it: the professional arena can be challenging for anyone to navigate, most especially for women.  From overcoming gender biases and stereotypes to the art of balancing work and personal life, women face many different hurdles in their professional journeys.  No matter where you are in your career path,…

Unlock the psychology of female arousal to enhance your sex life

Unlock the psychology of female arousal to enhance your sex life

Imagine this — it’s late at night, you just finished cleaning the kitchen and the kids are finally asleep.  After a long day of adulting, all you want to do is crash into bed and sleep for *hopefully* 7-8 hours.  You slip under the covers, nestle in against the crisp sheets, and let out a moan of pure relaxed relief as you start to drift off.

You feel the mattress dip, and a nudge against your side.  “Hey, you wanna … ?”  
