
How to Date Your Spouse With Intention: the 3-Step Formula

How to Date Your Spouse With Intention: the 3-Step Formula

If you seek connection rather than just commitment with your partner, let’s review how to date your spouse with intention.

It seems that the slow death of romance has become the new norm in American marriages and long-term relationships these days.  But good news — if you seek connection rather than just commitment with your partner, there’s a simple four-letter word that just may solve your problem.

Self-care isn’t selfish: The true definition and why it’s so important

Self-care isn’t selfish: The true definition and why it’s so important

What does the term “self-care” mean to you? In recent years, the concept of self-care has shifted from its original roots (“the care of oneself”) to mean something more indulgent and frivolous. We can all thank the marketing masterminds out there for using the self-care movement as an opportunity to…

The comprehensive guide to planning a career break

The comprehensive guide to planning a career break

At some point in everyone’s career, we have all imagined taking an extended break from working. Whether you hate your job and have the overwhelming desire to scream “I quit!!!” and storm out, or a quieter desire to get out of the daily grind and enjoy more free time to focus on your family and passions —it’s a fantasy we can all relate to.